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Allen organ – Organ Stop – Pre-owned Organs Catalog Your source for new and pre-owned keyboard instruments Mon, 13 Jul 2020 04:33:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Allen ADC 5000 DK Sun, 12 Jul 2020 22:55:12 +0000
Recently replaced by a new G350DK, this organ still has many years of service left. Comes with six HC-18U speakers in good condition. Largest 2 manual spec of its day. Retrofitted with MIDI. Email us with your requests. $6,500
Allen Theatre 675 Thu, 02 Jul 2020 21:34:43 +0000 REDUCED PRICE 3 manual Allen digital theatre organ!

This is a four channel instrument with dual memory, moving capture, digital reverb and 8 alterable voices. Take it away for only $1,500.

Allen GW IV Tue, 26 May 2020 18:04:28 +0000 Rare opportunity has come to San Diego for a serious theatre organist or hobbyist to purchase one of these majestic four manual instruments in the style of the legendary George Wright.

Call Mr. Wayne Seppala at 858-279-9000 ext 1 for information.

Allen ADC Custom Classic II Tue, 12 May 2020 21:57:30 +0000

This is an amazing 35 stop, classically voiced ensemble in the style of Lawrence Phelps from 1987.  The system includes two full ADC cages offering typically one tone generator board per stop, delivered through a 14 channel (1,400 watts) audio system. This organ “builds up” ensemble presence with every stop added, unlike most any “electronic” organ you’ve ever played.   The fully equipped console has tracker touch, reverse color keys, custom walnut pedal sharps, reed switch contacts (optional in ’87), four memories, moving drawknobs, MIDI, and a comfortably located, lighted music stand that folds inside when closed. It has been lovingly cared for in a private home for the last fifteen years and was just replaced with a new GeniSys 350!  We are hoping to find a church with live acoustics and a preference for Bach and his contemporaries.

Photos and specifications available on request. Customers considering something like this will have discerning, demanding taste. They want a small pipe organ but do not have the resources. One must play this organ to appreciate what we are offering here.  It will be worth your travel time and expense. $11,500
